Proclaiming the Decalogue Faith to the World Since 1944


Religious Educational Outreach

United Israel World Union (UIWU) is a 501(c)3 educational research organization founded in 1944 by David Horowitz (1903-2002) as an international movement to disseminate the Decalogue Faith both within and beyond the confines of Jewry. Its primary focus is to function as an association of any, and all who are drawn to the One God of Abraham and the Holy Scriptures (the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible).

The Book of David

This book documents the life and legacy of David Horowitz and stands as a permanent accounting of the unfolding events in his life and his role in the affairs of the United Nations, the State of Israel, and United Israel World Union during the latter half of the twentieth century. 

Learn More / Order The Book of David

For 10 years, author Ralph Buntyn spent many hours with renowned United Nations correspondent and United Israel founder David Horowitz. They engaged in lengthy discussions about his foundational views drawn from his experience and unique vantage point in the two world bodies. The Book of David is based on his personal notes, extensive archival records and reflections from these conversations.

This book documents the life and legacy of David Horowitz and stands as a permanent accounting of the unfolding events in his life and his role in the affairs of the United Nations, the State of Israel, and United Israel World Union during the latter half of the twentieth century.

Who’s Who in UIWU?


David Horowitz


Dr. James D. Tabor

Executive VP
Ralph Buntyn

Vice Presidents
David Tyler
Ross K Nichols

Rebecca Buntyn

Timothy Thompson


Board of Directors

Betty Tabor Givin
Lance Cantley
Jon Langberg
Linden Langberg
Robert Jacobs
Patricia Tyler
Ya’akov Walker

Advisory Board

Rabbi Dennis Jones
Ilan Pomeranc
Dr Steve Deem
Latrenda Deem

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