Don’t worry, I am not confused. I am just illustrating a few points for potential Hebrew students. When one begins to study the Hebrew language there are several things to get straight. Certain Hebrew words sound like English words, but the meaning is not the same. For instance, in Hebrew, מי (pronounced as ME) means “who,’  הוא (pronounced as WHO) means “he,” and היא (pronounced as HE) means “she.” From the first time I learned this, I was reminded of the famous Abbott & Costello routine, called Who’s on first. Learning Hebrew is challenging to be sure, but to be able to read the Bible in the original language is well worth the effort required. It takes dedication. Learning to sound out the characters is not so difficult. Once one acquires a knowledge of the English approximation for the Hebrew letters, sounds soon become syllables, and syllables become words. Before long, one is developing a vocabulary and learning grammar. I highly encourage students of the Bible to learn Hebrew, and this is why I have started to assist people in this worthwhile endeavor. Make the leap! Watch this blog for book recommendations and tips for learning Biblical Hebrew. In the meantime, check out Abbott & Costello in their hilarious skit, Who’s on first!