Happy Birthday to the late David Horowitz (Z”L) on this New Year’s Day!

זיכרונה לברכה –May His Memory Be for a Blessing to all!

a DH Passport

David Horowtiz would have been 113 years old today. He was born in Malmö, Sweden on April 9, 1903, He was one of eight children of Cantor Aaron Horowitz and Bertha Horowitz. The family immigrated to the United States in 1914.



You may download the full bibliography here: David Horowitz: A Life Remembered. You may also access a moving tribute to Horowitz by his fellow UN correspondent Vanni Cappelli here and the New York Times obituary here as well as the ongoing series of posts by UIWU Vice President Ralph Buntyn, “Remembering David Horowtiz.