I just signed up to join a unique tour to Israel with my friend and teacher Dr. James Tabor. I have been to Israel with him three times previously and each time I go, I come away with a better understanding of the Bible and history. This tour is a special tour, organized to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the publication of his book, The Jesus Dynasty. The book was published by Simon & Schuster in April of 2006, became a New York Times best-seller, and has been translated into 20 languages. The book seeks to present a historically realistic view of the life of Jesus, and a bold, new interpretation of the origins of Christianity using the New Testament as well as other ancient sources.
The tour promises to emphasize “newly discovered archaeological sites that shed light on our understanding of the historical Jesus and allow us to read our gospel sources in refreshingly new ways.” While the tour is clearly a “Jesus tour,” the focus will be historical rather than theological, and therefore will appeal to a wider audience.
The dates are March 4-13, 2016. For those who are interested in the historical Jesus, you will not want to miss this one. The tour has many exciting features, not the least of which is a private evening conversation with Emmy-award winning Israeli filmmaker, Simcha Jacobovici. For information about this tour, go to James’ website and read about it and then follow the links to the itinerary and the registration form, where you can pay a deposit to secure your spot. When you pay your deposit, tell them that Ross sent you. It will make them feel better about bringing me along.
Excited about the tour, I made the following video.
Read about the tour on the popular TaborBlog!