I have made 60 trips to the Holy Land since 1990 but only five of those involved tours. Usually I go for academic research, or for a filming project, or to do archaeology. If and when I lead a tour I want it to be really something special and unique–such as the “Jesus Dynasty” tour I did earlier this year in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the publication of my book.
Ross Nichols and I have planned a very special tour March 3-14, 2017–a kind of “tour of all tours.” We have taken all our collective experience, including that of our host DeWayne Coxon of Blossoming Rose, who quit counting his trips to Israel when he reached 200, and put together what we consider to be an ideal tour. Many people have a trip to the Holy Land on their “bucket list,” including President Abraham Lincoln who looked forward to travel there after his term as President and was never able. ((According to Mary Todd Lincoln the President, inspired by childhood reading of the Bible and his Secretary of State, had said not long before his murder that her husband “wanted to visit the Holy Land and walk where Jesus and the holy prophets of old had walked, saying there was no city he so much desired to see as Jerusalem.” See the contemporary account here by Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William H. Steward.)) Others plan to go but never work it out. While still others have been before, even more than once. Whoever you are I believe this particular tour is for you–it is that special–it will allow you to see the Holy Land on a level that most tours miss–including half a day at our Mt Zion excavation site for some “hands on” involvement. Who better to travel to the Holy Land with than us?
Here’s the pitch and itinerary–and the price is amazingly reasonable with high quality hotels and amenities. You can download the application and get your deposit in here, to assure your place.
2017-tabor-nichols-itineraryHere is a nice video that Ross made to whet your appetite. We hope you will sign up soon as we believe this tour will fill up fast: