Weekly Teachings

Introducing Isaiah – Isaiah – Episode One

Join us as we embark on an enlightening journey through the Book of Isaiah, delving deep into the life and times of one of the most influential prophets in biblical history. Isaiah's words have resonated through the ages. His profound prophecies, remarkably preserved...

The Fourever Faith: Listen, Learn, Guard, Do

It has long been recognized that the Book of Deuteronomy holds a distinct place within the Pentateuch, utilizing language that sets it apart. In this insightful class titled 'The Fourever Faith,' we uncover a fascinating pattern involving four specific Hebrew words...

The LOST Scroll of Moses

Unearth an ancient mystery in "The LOST Scroll of Moses." Deuteronomy informs us that Moses wrote a scroll and bequeathed it to the Levites and the elders of Israel. Tradition claims this Moses scroll is the Pentateuch, but clues within the Pentateuch point elsewhere....

The Ghostwriters’ Guild

The conventional belief held by Jews and Christians posits Moses as the singular author of the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah or the Five Books of Moses. However, through a close reading and analysis of the texts themselves, a different narrative may begin to...

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