United Israel

UIWU – 2018 in Review

Shalom and blessings to all of our friends and faithful supporters! We wanted to take some time as we close in on the end of the year, to recap some of the things that United Israel has accomplished in 2018. This list is not exhaustive but serves to capture some of...

The Resurrection of God’s Son – A Passover Teaching

This weekend the Christian world will be placing emphasis on the resurrection of God's son. As it turns out, this Sabbath is the intermediate Sabbath of Passover. Interestingly enough, though perhaps unnoticed by most, the emphasis in synagogues around the world this...

Sharing United Israel in Less than One Minute

It isn't easy to describe an organization like United Israel World Union in less than a minute, or is it? In this short video, Ross Nichols describes United Israel as an organization, which has, for more than seven decades, taught biblical principles, shared a vision...

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