In this class, Ross takes a look at the end of the Torah as described in the Torah itself. He introduces his audience...
Torah Readings
Not With You Alone – Nitzavim
In this teaching, Ross covers material found in Torah Reading Nitzavim (Deuteronomy 29:10-30:20). Specifically, he...
Covenant Consequences – Ki Tavo
As the children of Israel prepared to cross into the land promised by an oath to the fathers, Moses gave a series of...
I Have A Dream – 55 Years Later
Fifty-five years ago, on August 28, 1963 an estimated 200,000+ people marched on Washington, D.C. in what was called...
Planting Heaven – Torah Reading Shofetim
In this week's teaching, Ross covered the subject of Planting Heaven. The class shows that in this Torah Reading...
The Chosen – Torah Reading Ekev
In this teaching Ross discusses the special relationship between YHVH and Israel. What does Scripture say in regards...
Moses’ Greatest Sermon – Va-Etchannan
This week, Ross shares a message from the weekly Torah Portion Va-Etchannan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11). This is the first...
Two Hairy Goats and the “Day of Covering”
Being "washed in the blood of the lamb" has become a more appealing cultural image to our minds than "washed in the...
The Bringings-Forth of the Sons of Noah – Genesis 9:18-11:32
This teaching is the 7th study according to the ancient triennial cycle of Torah readings and the 3rd in the...
The Age-Lasting Pact with Noah – Genesis 8:15-9:17
In this week's class, Ross begins to focus on the pact / covenant that Elohim made with Noah. It is in the Noah...
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Torah of Moses
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. While I claim to be no authority on the man, I have always been...
These are the Bringings Forth of Noah – Genesis 6:9-8:14
In this week's class, Ross covers material from the 5th of the ancient triennial cycle readings (Genesis 6:9-8:14)....
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