The Pentateuch – New Look Series

Not The Ideal – Sacrifice, the Temple, and the Monarchy

Three subjects dominate biblical religion: sacrifices, the temple, and the monarchy. No one can deny the central place each of these plays in the narratives of the Bible. And yet, for the past 2,000 years, all who seek to follow or claim to follow "biblical religion"...

What Does YHVH Ask of You?

Torah portion Re-eh (11:26-16:17) begins with Moses describing a ceremony that will take place after the children of Israel cross the Jordan into the land promised to them by YHVH, but this narrative is interrupted by fifteen chapters of legal material (chapters...

Two Versions – Ten Words – Second Set

Exodus 32-34 and Deuteronomy 9-10 provide the material for a class comparing and contrasting the Bible's narrative of the second set of stone tablets. The first set, seen only by Moses, was destroyed. What do we [think we] know about the second set of stone tablets?...

The Bible’s TWO Versions of The Ten Commandments

Parsha Va-Etchannan (and I pleaded) arguably contains some of the most important words in all Scripture. It contains a version of The Ten Words, often referred to as The Ten Commandments. These words were reportedly spoken by God to the children of Israel at...

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