Remembering David Horowitz

These are the chapters taken from the popular book “The Book of David, David Horowitz: Dean of United Nations Press Corps and Founder: United Israel World Union. The author of the book, Ralph Buntyn is executive vice president and associate editor of United Israel World Union. An author, historian and researcher, his many articles and essays have appeared in various media outlets.

David Horowitz was the dean of the United Nations Press Corps, serving since the founding of the world organization in San Francisco in 1945. He was also the President and Founder of “United Israel World Union” (1943-44).Those familiar with United Israel World Union will recognize many of the stories, but hopefully benefit from much of the detail and facts that form “the rest of the story” of this remarkable man who died at age 99 in 2002.

For those unfamiliar with the Horowitz saga, we are pleased to share these incredible episodes as a way of honoring Horowitz for his selfless, untiring devotion for the cause of universal Torah faith, the establishment and well-being of the State of Israel and humanitarian ideals.

Remembering David Horowitz (43): An Historical Presidential Oath

1989 arrived and America had a new President. Republican incumbent Vice President George H. W. Bush and his running mate, Dan Quayle, defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen in the 1988 presidential election. This brought an end to eight years of the...

Remembering David Horowitz (42): An Unheeded Holocaust Warning

The response to David Horowitz’s book recounting the activities of the late, pro-Zionist Pastor Charles Taze Russell, who preceded Thedor Herzl in calling upon the Jewish people to return and rebuild their ancient homeland, continued to receive favorable reactions....

Remembering David Horowitz (41): A Century of Liberty’s Light

As 1986 arrived eighty-two year old David Horowitz wasn’t about to slow down. In the first quarter of the New Year he delivered five weekly lectures at the Herzl Institute of New York on the “Behind the Scenes” activities at the UN. Horowitz’ new book about the late...

Remembering David Horowitz (40): The Storytellers

In a pre-publication fete announcing the release of his new book “Heritage: Civilization and the Jews,” Israeli Minister Abba Eban hosted a reception on the sailing yacht “Caravan” which took the guests to Ellis Island for a briefing and later a sail up the Hudson...

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