The image of an old photo taken in 1966 at the Manhattan apartment of United Nations correspondent David Horowitz who...
Portraits of the Past
“Portraits of the Past” showcase photographs from the life of founder, David Horowitz, and from the rich history of United Israel. They offer a range from the truly historic United Nations official press photographs to those that mark key events and milestones in United Israel history.
“Portraits of the Past” is written by Ralph Buntyn, author of “The Book of David: David Horowitz: Dean of United Nations Press Corps and Founder: United Israel World Union.” Buntyn also serves as UIWU executive vice president and associate editor.
A Prime Minister’s Recognition
As 1980 drew to a close, David Horowitz received a telegram from Eryk Spektor, General Chairman of the Jabotinsky...
A Zionist Trio
Nan Reilly met Menachem Begin years before she met David Horowitz. Irish immigrant Reilly was an ardent supporter and...
A Ticket to Ride
King Henry V of England is credited with having invented what some consider the first true passport as a means of...
Working the Good Land
They were called “Halutzim” (pioneers), the early Jewish Zionists who immigrated to the region of Palestine as part of...
In the Midst of History
It seems an entire history of the United Nations could be found in journalist David Horowitz’s Press Section office on...
A Dark Shadow from the Past
Kurt Josef Waldheim served as the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981, and the ninth...
Woman of Valor
On March 17, 1969, 71 year-old Golda Meir was elected the fourth Prime Minister of Israel following the untimely death...
A Hollywood Legend
During his career, David Horowitz met or interviewed many Hollywood celebrities and entertainers. He formed lasting...
Swords to Ploughshares
The words of the Prophets aren’t just written on the subway walls, they also appear on a wall at the United Nations...
A Kremlin Greeting
Nikita Khruschev was leader of the Soviet Union from 1955 until 1964. Serving as premier during the height of the Cold...
His Nation’s Advocate
Abba Eban was barely thirty-three years old in May 1948 when he was called to represent the new State of Israel in the...
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