Lost Tribes

Heart and Soul

Several years ago while teaching a class on the biblical significance of the return of Israel from the Hebrew prophets, Dr. James D. Tabor pointed out a phrase from a passage in the Book of Jeremiah. He prefaced the reading of the passage with a question - what is the...

The Resurrection of God’s Son – A Passover Teaching

This weekend the Christian world will be placing emphasis on the resurrection of God's son. As it turns out, this Sabbath is the intermediate Sabbath of Passover. Interestingly enough, though perhaps unnoticed by most, the emphasis in synagogues around the world this...

Judah Drew Near – Signs of a Reunion

In this week's teaching Ross shares some thoughts on the reunion of Judah and Joseph and what that might look like in a modern setting. Drawing upon key events that are taking place currently, he questions whether or not we are beginning to witness the unfolding of...
Heart and Soul

Heart and Soul

Several years ago while teaching a class on the biblical significance of the return of Israel from the Hebrew...

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