On the third day of the seventh biblical month, the Jewish people observe a day of fasting. The observance is known as...
Jewish History
Politics and Religion
On Politics and Religion Mark Twain once said, “In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in...
Israeli Declaration of Independence
On the 5th day of Iyar, in the Jewish year 5708, corresponding to the Gregorian date May 14, 1948, the modern State of...
Judgment at Nuremberg: A Purim to Remember
On October 16, 1946, ten of the highest-ranking Nazi officers of Hitler's Germany were put to death. Three more were...
Focus For the Fast
It is customary to commemorate the destruction of both the first and the second Temples with mourning and fasting on...
Between the Straights
Sundown tonight marks the beginning of the 17th day of the 4th month on the Hebrew calendar (17 Tammuz). This day is...
Remembering David Horowitz (27): Israel’s Day of Infamy
1973 had hardly arrived when Lyndon B. Johnson, our 36th President, died on January 22 at the age of 64. Johnson, who...
The Truth Matters
Here is a copy of the slides used by United Israel Board members and minister David Tyler in his presentation at the...
Remembering David Horowitz (26): Massacre at Munich
Aaron Horowitz, Cantor Emeritus of the United Orthodox Synagogue in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and father of UN correspondent...
The Triumphant Arch of Titus in Living Color Again!
Perhaps some of you have heard about the fabulous project at Yeshiva University pioneered by arti historian Professor...
Remembering David Horowitz (23): An Unseen Hand
As 1969 dawned, Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated the 37th President of the United States on January 20, succeeding...
The Balfour Declaration: A Humanitarian Cry for Relief
The Balfour Declaration is condemned today by Israel’s detractors and hailed by Israel’s friends as a great historic...
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