In the quest for the historical Moses, the seeker is faced with challenges to traditional beliefs about the authorship...
Honest to Moses
Honest to Moses – The Search – Class Eleven
The Bible begins with stories of humans directly encountering the Divine. God walks about the garden in Eden and talks...
Honest to Moses – Anachronism Explained – Class Ten
There are two main views concerning the Pentateuch: It is the product of Moses and of his time. It is not (at least in...
Honest to Moses – The Family of Moses – Class Three
In the third class of the Honest to Moses series, we begin to sort through the biblical sources in order to determine...
Honest to Moses – What’s In a Name? – Class Two
In this second class of the Honest to Moses series, we begin the quest for the historical Moses with a study of the...
Honest to Moses – Class One
This is the introductory class to a new teaching series titled Honest to Moses. This series is essentially a quest for...
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