In this class we continue our Honest to Moses series and our study of the historicity of the biblical Moses from our...
Honest to Moses
Honest to Moses – Theophory – His Name in Their Name – Class Fourteen
What can biblical names teach us about the dating of a text, and what other things can we learn by a careful study of...
Honest to Moses – Who Wrote Genesis? Moses, Another, or Others? – Class Thirteen
The traditional view is that Moses wrote the Book of Genesis. Is this view supported by the texts? Was Genesis written...
Honest to Moses – The Pentateuch: Who, When, and Whence?
In the quest for the historical Moses, the seeker is faced with challenges to traditional beliefs about the authorship...
Honest to Moses – The Search – Class Eleven
The Bible begins with stories of humans directly encountering the Divine. God walks about the garden in Eden and talks...
Honest to Moses – Anachronism Explained – Class Ten
There are two main views concerning the Pentateuch: It is the product of Moses and of his time. It is not (at least in...
Honest to Moses – Law of Love – Class Nine
In our quest for the historical Moses, we are compelled to search for the man AND his message. Though seldom...
Honest to Moses – Stranger in a Strange Land – Class Eight
What does the biblical Hebrew term translated as "Stranger" really mean? What does the name of Moses' firstborn imply?...
Honest to Moses – Blotting Out the Sons of Moses – Class Seven
We read in our sources that Moses had two sons. What does the Bible tell us about the descendants of Moses? And what...
Honest to Moses – The Kenite Key – Class Six
The Bible mentions a mysterious Bronze Age people called the Kenites. The texts of the Hebrew Bible inform us that...
Honest to Moses – The Midianite Mystery – Class Five
What is the connection between the people of Midian and the historical Moses. Are there elements of the story that...
Honest to Moses – The Levitical Link – Class Four
The Bible claims that Moses is a Levite. As it turns out, this Levitical Link is one of the few things that even the...
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