Hidden Sparks Beneath the Surface

Hidden Sparks Beneath the Surface – a Series by Elisheva Tavor aka Betty Tabor Givin

All of the months are interrelated, each connecting to the next in the cycle of the seasons, the ‘round’ of the year…set up by The Creator from the beginning for our benefit to make up what we call time…like a beautiful string of pearls…each is significant to the whole…and each carries within it a special spark that lies hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered!

With each New Moon or Rosh Chodesh, we have a New Beginning and are afforded the opportunity to renew ourselves. In this series as we go from month to month we will focus on these hidden sparks that lie just beneath the surface and what they have to teach us.

From the Heart of Heaven – Reflections on the Sinai Experience Part Two – Where do we go from Here?

As we are nearing the close of the 3rd month, known as Sivan on the traditional Jewish calendar, our thoughts go back to the Festival of Shavuot, Matan Torah, the Giving of the Torah and the amazing Sinai experience... that awe-inspiring one-time event in history when...

From the Heart of Heaven – Reflections on the Sinai Experience

The 3rd Month of Sivan Matan Torah – The Giving of the Torah Part One   Having celebrated Passover and the deliverance from Egyptian bondage we are fast approaching the close of the seven week period of counting the omer as mandated by Torah in Leviticus...

The Second Month – The Month of Iyar, Ziv –Part Three

Lag B’Omer – What’s it all About?   Introduction – Lag B’Omer, 18 Iyar - Chai Seven weeks, forty nine days –the days of counting the Omer provide us with a bridge, a bridge from slavery to freedom, from Pesach to Sinai …a bridge not only for our ancestors, but a...

The Second Month, Iyar or Ziv – Part Two

Light and Radiance, Healing, Counting of the Omer, Pesach Sheini Re-cap                                                                                                                                                In Part One we spoke in part of the significance of...

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