According to the Jewish calendar, the first day of the seventh month is celebrated as Rosh HaShanah, or "Head of the...
Servant – A Global & Noble Role – A Passover Teaching
The story of the Exodus is well-known. According to some estimates, this Passover marks the 3,333rd celebration of...
Passover in Prophecy
In this, the 3rd of 3 classes associated with the themes of Passover, Ross shares a message connecting traditional...
The Ten Plagues of Egypt – A Passover Storytime for Children
Join Ross Nichols for a fun and engaging reading of The Ten Plagues of Egypt written by Shoshana Lepon and Illustrated...
Passover – The Purpose
In this 2nd of a 3-part series on Passover, Ross shares from Scripture the main purpose of the Passover and the events...
Passovers Past – A Look at the Biblical Record
This teaching, delivered on Shabbat HaGadol, is the first in a three-part series on the themes associated with the...
Teruah – Getting at the Meaning
According to the Bible, the first day of the seventh month marks a special day on the Hebrew calendar. The day is...
The Exodus and the Making of God’s Name
In this teaching, Ross focuses on one of the often overlooked subjects covered during the season of Passover, and it...
Reunion in Egypt – Genesis 46:28-47:31
In this week's class, Ross shares a message appropriate for the season. The ninth month of the Jewish calendar is...
Hidden Sparks Beneath the Surface-From Cheshvan to Kislev, the Month of Miracles
All of the months are interrelated, each connecting to the next in the cycle of the seasons, the ‘round’ of the...
Understanding Rosh HaShanah in History and Tradition–the “Day of the Blast”
Cry aloud to God our strength, raise a shout to the God of Jacob. This evening at sundown the Jewish holiday popularly...
Telling the Story
From all of us at United Israel World Union I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful, meaningful,...
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