Embark on a captivating journey through biblical prophecies and divine promises, all leading to the irrefutable...
Current Events & News
Horowitz Book Translated into French Language
United Israel World Union founder David Horowitz’s extraordinary book, Pastor Charles Taze Russell: An Early American...
Politics and Religion
On Politics and Religion Mark Twain once said, “In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in...
76th Annual Conference
As the month of April came to a close, more than one hundred friends converged on Charlotte, North Carolina for the...
President Trump & The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995
This week past, amid great anticipation, President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of...
Registration Open for Tabor Nichols March 2018 Tour of Israel
Ross Nichols and I have just rolled out our March 2018 Tour of Israel with a thoroughly revised itinerary. There are...
Here Comes the Sun!
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. On August 21st, 2017, a total eclipse will...
New Column by David F. Tyler, What You Leave Behind
As we pass through our lives it becomes evident that “What you leave behind” matters. This column is about giving a...
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Torah of Moses
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. While I claim to be no authority on the man, I have always been...
The Balfour Declaration: A Humanitarian Cry for Relief
The Balfour Declaration is condemned today by Israel’s detractors and hailed by Israel’s friends as a great historic...
Come with Us on the Tabor-Nichols Tour of Tours to Israel: March 3-14, 2017
I have made 60 trips to the Holy Land since 1990 but only five of those involved tours. Usually I go for academic...
November Update: Exciting New Developments within United Israel
November 3, 2016 Dear Friends of United Israel, Ross Nichols and I wanted to update you all on some of the exciting...
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