
Registration Open for Tabor Nichols March 2018 Tour of Israel

Ross Nichols and I have just rolled out our March 2018 Tour of Israel with a thoroughly revised itinerary. There are dozens of "Holy Land Tours" out there and if you have ever contemplated taking one you have probably been overwhelmed by the choice of which one you...

The Triumphant Arch of Titus in Living Color Again!

Perhaps some of you have heard about the fabulous project at Yeshiva University pioneered by arti historian Professor Steven Fine and others to restore the original colors to the famed Arch of Titus. It is finished and now can be viewed in this remarkable video. This...

Mechina Shahar (מכינה שחר) Visits Biblical Tamar Park

(Mechina מכינה) is Hebrew for “preparatory.” This is an Israeli program to prepare high school graduates for service in the military. (Shahar שחר) is Hebrew for “dawn.” For one week, the members of mechina shahar מכינה שחר worked with the Israeli Antiquities Authority...

Come with Us on the Tabor-Nichols Tour of Tours to Israel: March 3-14, 2017

I have made 60 trips to the Holy Land since 1990 but only five of those involved tours. Usually I go for academic research, or for a filming project, or to do archaeology. If and when I lead a tour I want it to be really something special and unique--such as the...

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