In this episode of our series, “The World and Words of the Prophet Jeremiah,” we dive deeper into the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel during the final days of the Kingdom of Judah. Amid the turbulence, these two prophets stand as beacon lights of divine revelation, their words paralleling and intersecting in extraordinary ways.

Witness the resilience of Jeremiah, navigating the tumult of a Babylonian siege and unjust imprisonment, yet still making a powerful testament of faith and hope in the future by purchasing land in his hometown of Anathot. Observe Ezekiel in Babylon, echoing Jeremiah’s prophecies of the end of the Kingdom of Judah and the coming restoration in actions and words of stunning accuracy.

Travel with us as we compare their prophecies, tracing their eerie exactness, right down to their shared prediction of the capture of Zedekiah. Watch Ezekiel act out the Judean king’s doomed escape and the subsequent traumatic capture, and compare this vivid enactment with our historical records. But amidst the collapse of the Kingdom, their prophecies also carry a promise of brighter days ahead, a promise delivered with a striking similarity in language and concept.

This penultimate class is deliberately shorter as we set the stage for our season finale. In the aftermath of Jerusalem’s ruin, our prophetic voices see a hopeful future that lies just over the horizon. Join us for “A Blinding Vision” as we explore how the prophets had eyes to see what Judah’s last king failed to perceive. Don’t miss out on the lead-up to the thrilling climax of our series!

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